myNGOjobs Scholarship and Grant Call for EOIs: International Organization for Migration Grant Program 2025

Call for EOIs: International Organization for Migration Grant Program 2025

Deadline Date: April 14, 2025
Donor Name: International Organization for Migration
Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000
Reference URL:

The International Organization for Migration is inviting CSOs, academia, media and women-led organisations in ECOWAS & Mauritania to apply for grants to support migration-related projects.

Sectors and Areas of Specialization
  • The thematic areas to be covered within this grant are the following:
    • Strengthening the free movement of persons, right of residence and establishment, and regional integration in the ECOWAS region, including through advocacies, trainings and sensitisation activities.
    • Supporting the cross-border movement of populations and promoting cross-border cooperation.
    • Protection of migrants, returnees and cross-border populations’ rights. 
    • Protection and access to social protection for migrant workers in the ECOWAS region.
    • Protection and empowerment of migrants and cross-border populations, in particular, vulnerable migrants and populations at risk – women, children and youth, stranded migrants, and victims of trafficking. 
    • Gender, climate change, and migration nexus
Funding Information
  • The total budget of each specific project proposed must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
    • Minimum amount: 50 000 EUR 
    • Maximum amount: 100 000 EUR
  • Not less than 12 months and not exceeding 18 months.
Geographic Focus
  • Project activities will be implemented in each of the ECOWAS Member States and in Mauritania.
Expected Results 
  • The project activities implemented by the Implementing Partners (IPs) are expected to lead to the promotion of civil societies in the ECOWAS region and private sector awareness raising on the Protocol on Free Movement and the Regional Integration Agenda. Furthermore, the project activities implemented are expected to result in an increase in the Non-State Actors and Local Authorities, including women’s organisations and movements promoting gender equality and access to initiatives, who are actively supporting the protection of migrants, returnees and cross-border populations rights.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicants should be Non-State Actors (defined as those players from the private sector, economic and social partners –including trade unions- and civil society in all its diversity according to national characteristics, with a common feature in their independence from the State and the voluntary basis upon which they have come together to act and promote common interests) legally registered and operating in one of the ECOWAS Member States or Mauritania, and ready to engage with IOM to deliver non-profit activities where IOM and the Implementing Partner will jointly contribute time and resources and share risks and responsibilities linked to the implementation.
  • Eligible Non-State Actors include:
    • Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). 
    • Women’s Organisations and movements promoting gender equality. 
    • Economic and Social Partners (such as Trade Unions and Employers’ Associations). 
    • Private sector (such as Business Organisations and other Private Sector Associations). 
    • Traders and Transporters Associations or Syndicates. 
    • Media Organisations. 
    • Migrants and Diaspora Associations. 
    • The Academia.
  • Other eligibility criteria include:
    • The organisation has a management structure with clearly defined and divided roles and responsibilities.
    • The organisation has sufficient technical and institutional capacity necessary for the efficient and effective implementation of the proposed project.
    • The organisation documented a sufficient administrative and accountability capacity.
    • The organisation has an annual statement of accounts and an internal control system with adequate internal manuals and financial guidelines. 
    • The organisation has a bank account operated by more than one signatory and opened minimum two years ago.

For more information, visit International Organization for Migration.