myNGOjobs Yobe MHPSS Officer at ALIMA

MHPSS Officer at ALIMA

The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) is an international medical organization, founded in 2009. ALIMA’s aim is to provide a high standard of healthcare in situations of emergency or medical disaster and to improve the practice of humanitarian medicine by developing innovative projects associated with medical research. The specific feature of the association is to base its operating methods mainly on partnership with national medical players. By pooling and capitalizing on their skills, ALIMA and its partners give as many people as possible access to a high standard of treatment. Since its creation, the association and its partners have successfully developed in line with the increase in humanitarian medical needs, especially in Western and Central Africa: 580,000 patients treated in 2014 including over 25,000 hospitalizations, new governance between the partners of the medical NGO platform in the Sahel, new innovative approaches and operational research projects. ALIMA also responded to the Ebola emergency by opening a 40-bed Ebola treatment centre in Guinea. With operations in eight countries, 15 projects, over 1,200 employees and a budget of €19.5 million, ALIMA is a dynamic NGO, effectively deploying medical aid for the most vulnerable.

Location: Gone

Level 3: As part of his/her duties, the incumbent will visit programs and come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where a criminal record check or character reference is not possible, a declaration on honour will be requested.

Mission Location: Gashua, Yobe state

Management lines: 

  • Report to (Direct): MHPS  Supervior
  • Report to (Functional): PROJECT MEDICAL REFERENT 
  • Staff Reporting to him: 


Under the guidance of the medref and technical support of the Roving MHPSS Manager for Nigeria, the MHPSS OFFICER will report to the MHPSS supervisor, and  will provide overall ALIMA’s MHPSS interventions for the beneficiaries in the project.

Main responsibilities: 

  • Integrate MHPSS to SRH, /SGBV/GBV, malnutrition and all other health units including emergency response, i.e. disease outbreaks, natural disasters etc.
  • Conduct case-by-case needs assessments for the diagnosis of psychological disorders and identification of treatment and therapy
  • Carry out evaluation of mental health needs of patients/beneficiaries and establishing a diagnosis and a plan of treatment following WHO MHGAP approach and ALIMA case management protocols. Referring cases to other health professionals whenever necessary, in order to provide the most appropriate treatment and improve the patient\’s condition
  • Provide psychological support and psychotherapy sessions (individual, family, group) to beneficiaries in need according to ALIMA, MHGAP and other standards protocols in order to improve their psycho-social and mental health conditions
  • Assist cases with identified mental or emotional disorders referred internally or externally
  • Document progress on cases, maintaining strict protocols for confidentiality and consent, and ensure that data protection protocols are respected
  • Support in providing capacity building for ALIMA teams to increase technical capacity and referral by other units.
  • Facilitate trainings for internal staffs and communities on psychological first aid (PFA)
  • Support in providing capacity building for caregivers especially in child psycho stimulation programs & Work in close collaboration with health promoters. 
  • Strengthen community based psychosocial support and peer support group activities standard protocols and procedures set in order to provide the most appropriate management.
  • Carry out all tasks respecting key protection principles, including but not limited to: do no harm, non-discrimination, confidentiality, accountability and need-to-know principles
  •  Support in organizing events, i.e world mental health day, GBV 16 days of activism.
  • Engage with health promoters, community mobilizers, and community leaders to coordinate, organize, and promote MHPSS /SGBV activities in the designated locations
  • Prepare and conduct psychoeducation.
  • Work in close coordination with the MHPSS senior management and focal points on issues related to the field in terms of identification of challenges encountered, gaps, provide all necessary information to ensure better implementation of activities.
  • Submit monthly reports, in addition to the data collection sheet that should be filled on a weekly basis to the MHPSS supervisor
  •  Report any concerning issues first hand to the direct supervisor;
  • Perform other duties as assigned.


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in social work, mental health, psychology or related fields
  • Minimum of 2 years of specialized experience in community based psychosocial support interventions particularly as it relates to social norms change.
  • Experience with medical international NGO, an asset
  • Experience in a similar position for at least 2 years.
  • Demonstrated experience on counselling skills.
  • Perfect knowledge of MS Office package, especially Excel & Word
  • Languages- fluent -English oral & written. Mandatory and local language of the  region-Hausa etc


  •  Strong interpersonal skills, teamwork.
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to work on own initiative and adaptable to changing needs and situations
  • Flexible, patient and adaptable to a changing environment.
  • Ability to work under pressure with numerous deadlines, etc.


  • Contract term: contract under Nigeria Law, 6 months’ renewable.
  • Salary: According to ALIMA function grid.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified? Go to Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) on to apply